Saturday, December 29, 2012

Accepting the Impossible

Puzzling Parables
Part Two
In our second puzzling parable we look at two puzzles that require that we throw off the shackles of what is achievable; our second lesson is 'accept the impossible.

By this I of course mean that you should accept that the circumstances in the puzzle are impossible to reach by usual means, and start working on the unusual.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Deciding What's Important

Puzzling Parables
Part One

In this festive series I aim to introduce you to Logic and Lateral Thinking puzzles by getting you to accept the three certainties of puzzling. I have written a little story about each of these truths and I call them the Puzzling Parables.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Word Puzzles 101

Word Mechanics
Part Five

It's time to review everything we have learned about word puzzles, what better way to do so that with a crossword.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Mechanics of Words

Word Mechanics
Part Four
We haven't quite finished with looking at words for words sake, but today's post is also about how words work. Don't be frightened off by the word mechanics, we aren't doing mechanics puzzles for a good while yet; although we will be looking at them. I just really thought it was important, after the last post, to get you minds working with a whole string of puzzles, and word mechanics is definitely the way to do this.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Shapes of Words

Word Mechanics
Part Three
What can dyslexia and dyspraxia teach us about the shapes of words. How do we read and how does this affect our puzzling.

Today we're looking at the physical forms of letters and words and we'll be tackling a puzzle that tests your word recognition skills.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Twain had Phony Byproduct

Part Three

This whole post is a test of your anagram skills. Put what you have learned into practice and see if you can decipher what is going on as we pay homage to a very British institution.

The Sound of Letters

Word Mechanics
Part Two

Context and familiarity are you enemies in this puzzling post on the sounds of letters. English is such a ridiculously complex language in terms of pronunciation that many puzzles rely on the way words are said to work.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

The Lost Puzzle

Word Mechanics
Part One

A mysterious but true story of a puzzle that disappeared into the æther awaits and we learn that Letter Frequencies are great for Anagrams many word puzzles require a little more subtlety.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Mathematics of The Multigram

Part Two
I first decided to write a blog about puzzling when I came across a really tough word problem based on anagrams. It's from Mensa's The Genius Test, which is well worth a look if you're looking for a challenge.

Today we learn all about the multigram puzzle and how numbers help us solve puzzles about letters.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Of Numbers of Letters

Part One
Today we stick our toes into the enormous ocean that is word puzzles. From Anagrams to Crosswords, word puzzles differ from riddles in that they rely heavily on our knowledge and understanding of the English language.

What is a Puzzle?

Puzzle Theory
Part One

Exactly what is a puzzle, and what isn't. In our first look at puzzle theory we tackle a question whose goalposts move on a daily basis. Just how do we define the word puzzle.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Examination Time

Part Five
It's time for a challenge, as we get to the end of this series of posts on riddles it's time to put everything you've learned into practice.

First though we're going to take a look at what the ravages of time can do to a puzzle.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Riddle Me This

Part Four

Puzzle fans will disagree on how to categorise certain puzzles; but I think it's important to be able to give a name to each kind of puzzle and therefore each strategy for solving them. A cerebral sort of 'know your enemy' if you will.

Today we'll look at the different kinds of riddles available to the dedicated puzzler.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

The Puzzling Roy Keane

Part Three
Today I had cause to sit through a presentation about Euro 2012 followed by a question and answer session with one Roy Keane, who I am informed is some kind of football player turned broadcaster. I must admit to not particularly looking forward to this training course. Sport, while a great source of puzzle material; has never been of great attraction to me.

Monday, May 07, 2012

Questions, Conditions and Flavour

Part Two
So last time I told you about the G-R-Y puzzle and gave you the first rule of puzzling in the hope that you would all apply one to the other, and come up with the answer to the puzzle. It's an odd answer to a puzzle about words ending 'gry'; and of course everyone knows that the English Language ends 'Zyrian', which is ironic really.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

An Arsenal of Answers

Part One

Here is where the journey starts, we begin our trip into the world of puzzles with riddles, and more specifically the fabled GRY puzzle.