Saturday, February 02, 2013

The Whole Truth

Part Five
If you've ever wondered where I get the ideas for my puzzles this is the post you have been waiting for. A merry jaunt around inspiration leads to a puzzle about holes and wholes.

More simultaneous equations later, I promise, but first a little interlude based on something that happened just yesterday.

After all the excitement around The Lost Puzzle a few months ago I'm sure you're all aware that my lovely work colleagues have started to get used to my insatiable taste for puzzles. I don't think they've realised, however, just how much they inspire my puzzle writing. Sometimes all it takes is a single word or phrase to give a great idea for a puzzle.

Two halves and an extra bit make a whole
close but not quite.
A Coffee Conundrum from last week is a perfect example of this, listening to my team taking coffee orders down to the canteen gave me the perfect puzzle to introduce algebra. The coffee machine at work is actually free to use, but then again the mathematics in a puzzle is the easy bit to write, the story is always the challenge.

Yesterday was a particularly busy day and everyone had their noses to the grindstone, so it was great when a colleague used the phrase 'Two halves make a whole', and inspired a whole new puzzle. I quickly jotted it down, and promptly left it at work. Luckily, unlike The Lost Puzzle I can actually remember how this one goes.

This of course is through the power of context, something we'll be looking at soon when we start looking at the dreaded Cryptic Crosswords - if I keep saying how hard they are, maybe it wond be so tough when we get there!

Anyway this new puzzle isn't really about mathematics, despite starting out that way and it's not really a language problem, although it does have shades of word mechanics. In fact, this puzzle is more of a riddle, and takes us all the way back to to the start of our journey. So thank you Mr. O'Sullivan as this

is, strictly speaking, your puzzle.

The Whole Truth

Everyone knows that two halves make a whole,

but when do two halves make a hole?

There may be a few answers that skirt around the right area with this one, but there's a definite one right answer to be found, and I'm sorry but it's a bit of a groaner.

Have some fun with it while I go and sharpen my nails... ready to drag them across the blackboard for simultaneous equations part two!

photo credit: ms.Tea via photopin cc

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