Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Mechanics of Words

Word Mechanics
Part Four
We haven't quite finished with looking at words for words sake, but today's post is also about how words work. Don't be frightened off by the word mechanics, we aren't doing mechanics puzzles for a good while yet; although we will be looking at them. I just really thought it was important, after the last post, to get you minds working with a whole string of puzzles, and word mechanics is definitely the way to do this.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Shapes of Words

Word Mechanics
Part Three
What can dyslexia and dyspraxia teach us about the shapes of words. How do we read and how does this affect our puzzling.

Today we're looking at the physical forms of letters and words and we'll be tackling a puzzle that tests your word recognition skills.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Twain had Phony Byproduct

Part Three

This whole post is a test of your anagram skills. Put what you have learned into practice and see if you can decipher what is going on as we pay homage to a very British institution.

The Sound of Letters

Word Mechanics
Part Two

Context and familiarity are you enemies in this puzzling post on the sounds of letters. English is such a ridiculously complex language in terms of pronunciation that many puzzles rely on the way words are said to work.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

The Lost Puzzle

Word Mechanics
Part One

A mysterious but true story of a puzzle that disappeared into the æther awaits and we learn that Letter Frequencies are great for Anagrams many word puzzles require a little more subtlety.