Friday, April 17, 2015

A Logical Combination

A Leap of Logic 2
In our first post on logic puzzles we looked at some very simple ideas of logic, we learned about inference and deduction and some of the ways they might be applied. We looked common pitfalls in logical thinking and of course we learned how to avoid them. In this post we will begin to explore the different kinds of logic puzzle that can be found, and start to apply the things we have learned.

If This is Logic Then That is a Solution

A Leap of Logic 1
Recently, Logic Puzzles have been in the news and depending on your point of view, it may have been for all the right, or all the wrong reasons. In this new series of blog posts we begin to explore the fascinating world of logic puzzles, why they both are, and aren't maths puzzles and of course why that statement is completely illogical.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Counting Chestnuts

Old Chestnuts 2
In the second of our series of posts looking at the old chestnuts of puzzling, we learn a valuable lesson about number puzzles and enjoy a couple of classic puzzles that are just crying out 'mathematics', and whispering 'lies'. So break out the calculators and grab a pencil and paper as we jump headfirst into the snowdrift that is number puzzles.