Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Mathematics of The Multigram

Part Two
I first decided to write a blog about puzzling when I came across a really tough word problem based on anagrams. It's from Mensa's The Genius Test, which is well worth a look if you're looking for a challenge.

Today we learn all about the multigram puzzle and how numbers help us solve puzzles about letters.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Of Numbers of Letters

Part One
Today we stick our toes into the enormous ocean that is word puzzles. From Anagrams to Crosswords, word puzzles differ from riddles in that they rely heavily on our knowledge and understanding of the English language.

What is a Puzzle?

Puzzle Theory
Part One

Exactly what is a puzzle, and what isn't. In our first look at puzzle theory we tackle a question whose goalposts move on a daily basis. Just how do we define the word puzzle.